Annual General Meeting

Down South Jazz Club AGM

The Annual General Meeting for the Down South Jazz Club will be held at Club Sapphire on Monday 14th October, at 5:30pm. Members and non-members are welcome to attend, however only financial members are eligible to be part of the Committee, or to propose or vote on motions.

Papers might be published on this page ahead of the meeting (and possibly updated from time to time), so that those who are unable to attend can be informed about the business of the meeting. If you wish to comment on any item of business, please send us an email (or call Adrian on 0419 557 800 if you don’t do email).


If an item above is in highlight, it is a link to the paper.

In accordance with the Rules, the Committee will resign at the AGM and a new Committee will be elected. If you wish to nominate yourself or another member for Committee Membership, please complete a nomination form and return it by email, hand it to a current committee member, or post it to PO Box 346 Merimbula NSW 2548.

Nominations need to be received before the AGM. If insufficient written nominations are received before the meeting, nominations will be accepted from those members in attendance at the AGM.